2022 elections in France | Eric Zemmour down, Macron still in the lead

(Paris) The polemicist Éric Zemmour is down in two polls published on Thursday, where he remains behind Marine Le Pen, who is herself ahead of Emmanuel Macron in view of the presidential elections in April 2022.

The president remains in the lead with 25% of the voting intentions, while Eric Zemmour – undeclared candidate – loses two points in one month. Mr. Zemmour is still behind the candidate of the National Rally Marine Le Pen

Eric Zemmour would get 14% of the vote, down two points compared to a previous poll conducted a month ago, and would remain behind Marine Le Pen (18%, stable), in the first round of the election, according to this study Odoxa for the magazine The Obs.

If the candidate of the Les Républicains (LR) party is Xavier Bertrand, he would obtain 12% (-1 point), in 4e position.

If the LR candidate is Valérie Pécresse, she would be at 9% (+0.5 point), in 4e position, ahead of the party candidate La France rebellious Jean-Luc Mélenchon (8.5%). Emmanuel Macron would then get 25% of the vote (-1.5 point), Marine Le Pen 18.5% (+0.5 point) and Éric Zemmour 14.5% (-2 points).

If the LR candidate is Michel Barnier, he is given 9% of the vote, Emmanuel Macron at 25%, Marine Le Pen at 19% and Éric Zemmour at 14.5%.

The Socialists Behind the Ecologists

On the left, Jean-Luc Mélenchon is in the lead, but still less than 10% (8.5% with the Xavier Bertrand hypothesis, 9% with Michel Barnier).

The ecologist Yannick Jadot (6.5 to 7% depending on the hypotheses) does better than the socialist candidate Anne Hidalgo, given between 4.5% to 5%.

All the other candidates tested would make less than 4% of the vote, according to all the scenarios, including Arnaud Montebourg.

Voting intentions do not constitute a forecast of the outcome of the ballot. They give an indication of the balance of power and dynamics on the day of the survey.

According to another poll made by Elabe for BFMTV, Eric Zemmour is given between 13 and 15%. He loses 2 points if the candidate on the right is Valérie Pécresse or Michel Barnier, and 1 point with Xavier Bertrand. He remains behind Marine Le Pen, given between 17 and 18%, itself ahead of Emmanuel Macron between 25 and 30%.

On the right, Xavier Bertrand is at 13%, Valérie Pécresse at 11%, Michel Barnier at 9%, Eric Ciotti at 5%, and Philippe Juvin at 4%.

On the left Jean-Luc Mélenchon is between 8 and 9%, just ahead of Yannick Jadot between 7 and 8% and Anne Hidalgo between 5 and 6%.

No other candidate exceeds 2%.

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