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The tomatoes, which benefit from the generous sun, matured early. To avoid losses, some market gardeners are forced to process their product. Report near Orleans.
The scorching weather results in a phenomenon of overproduction, observed among market gardeners. The La Racinerie farm, in Saint-Cyr-en-Val (Loiret), has even given up picking, while waiting to be able to transform the tomatoes into preserves. “With the early heat we had, we have, we estimate, about three weeks ahead of tomato production. (…) Direct sales marketing is difficult, so if we want to use the tomato and valuing it is now, and the cannery is really the right tool”explains Lise Michaud.
The farm’s tomatoes and courgettes, as well as other regional productions, are currently at their peak production. The foodstuffs go directly to the cannery to be transformed into soups. Ahead of schedule, the cannery is operating at full capacity and thus avoiding food waste, although it will be difficult to absorb all the overproduction.