2021, back on a geopolitical year



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Before ending the year, take a look back at the international highlights of the year. From the arrival of Joe Biden at the White House to the capture of Kabul (Afghanistan) by the Taliban.

On January 6, 2021, hundreds of pro-Trump supporters led the assault on Capitol Hill, a symbol of American democracy. The year 2021 begins in the United States with these hallucinating scenes, during the session which was to certify the victory of Joe Biden to the American presidency. Two weeks later, on January 20, Joe Biden was invested 46th President of the United States. Very quickly, the American president is confronted with his first international crisis: on August 15, the Taliban entered the presidential palace in Kabul. Afghanistan has just fallen into their hands again. In a few weeks, radical Islamists will have ended 20 years of Western military presence.

In Germany, it is the end of a reign. Angela Merkel leaves her function of Chancellor on December 8, 2021. A page that turns when at the border of the European Union, thousands of people are massing on the fences which separate Belarus from Poland. A macabre game of blackmail on the part of the Belarusian dictator, Alexander Lukashenko.

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