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Despite the pandemic, the real estate sector is experiencing record numbers. Sandrine Feydel, journalist at the French economy service Televisions is on the set of 11 p.m..
Sandrine Feydel explains that nearly 1,198,000 apartment sales were made in 2021. Apart from 2020, when the economy came to a standstill, sales have been rising steadily for the past five years. But this increase in sales drives up prices. In fact, prices increased on average by 7.7% for houses and 5.6% for apartments, in 2021.
Brittany and Hauts-de-France experienced spectacular increases in 2021 with respectively 21.4% and 17.2% increase. In Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the increase was the least significant in the territory with 3.1%. The French are keen to combine the advantage towns and countryside, medium-sized towns like Valencia (Drome) and Limoges (Haute-Vienne) saw price increases of 17 and 14%. AT the reverse to Paris, the prices have fallen by 1% and do not have evolved In Lyon (Rhône).