2021-2022 season | Pas Perdus wins the Critics’ Award

The show Not lostthe last part of the scenic documentaries directed by Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette and Émile Proulx-Cloutier, won the Critics’ Prize for the 2021-2022 season.

The show that followed real worlds (2014) and South Poles (2016) gave the floor to eight men and women of different ages and origins. The Association québécoise des critiques de théâtre speaks of an “exceptional creation”, which was able to “combine portraits of individuals of perfect delicacy with that of a community which emerges haloed with an aura of openness and of inspiring solidarity”.

I am a product, by Simon Boudreault won the prize for best original text. The jury describes a text “of a delectable causticity approaching themes of glaring topicality, linked within a rich frame where these intersect and feed. The subject of cultural diversity, in particular, was treated from an unusual angle”.

The other winners are: Angela Konrad for her direction of Vernon Subutex ; Pierre-Étiene Locas for his design of the decor of Metamorphosis, by Claude Poissant, after Franz Kafka; Julie Le Breton for her role in The Ten Commandments by Dorothy Dix, by Stéphanie Jasmin, directed by Denis Marleau; and Roger La Rue for his role in Rita in the desertwritten and directed by Isabelle Leblanc.

Wood won the prize for the best show for young audiences. The text, written and directed by Csaba Raduly and Pavla Mano, was produced by the Puzzle Théâtre.

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