Video length: 2 min
Riots in New Caledonia: 200 million damages in three days
Riots in New Caledonia: 200 million damages in three days
A first assessment of the damage caused in New Caledonia was revealed by the Chamber of Commerce on Thursday May 16. They represent around 200 million euros.
The largest market in New Caledonia, which has a surface area of 6,500 square meters, was completely turned over on the morning of Thursday, May 16. The Carrefour brand and the thirty shops in the shopping mall were looted. 500 employees find themselves out of work. As for the entrepreneur, he is helpless. He is far from being the only one affected. In another small-scale area, a swimming pool and a furniture store were set on fire. The other target: car dealerships. Several have been affected in recent days.
According to an initial report, 150 companies were attacked. 2,000 jobs would be threatened. This represents 200 million euros in damage, according to the chamber of commerce. The violence comes as New Caledonia is in the grip of an economic crisis. The archipelago lives mainly from nickel.