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A few years ago, various surveys on the ambitions of young people in their twenties revealed a majority choice for the public service. Today, a new generation of entrepreneurs has emerged.
First step in working life, and already business manager. In Normandy, two months ago, Maxime Caru decided to open his own carpentry and carpentry company. A daring bet on paper, yet well paid off in reality. The order book is full for the next 7 months. “I’m happy, it should continue, we do everything to make it work“, testifies the young entrepreneur.
If personally he does not pay himself a salary, he has recruited two employees, who are twice his age. “For me a boss, as long as he is competent, that does not pose a problem for me. Age is not a criterion“, reports Pierre Rotat, employee of Caru Construction Normandie.
In Paris, it is around a table that the next advertising campaign on the social networks of a record company is decided. At the maneuver, Guillaume Benech, 22 years old. The boss seed is not at his first attempt. He set up his first company at the age of 17, a publishing house which was already arousing the curiosity of the media. Building a society in its own image and its own rules is an ambition shared by the two men.