20 years of marriage that have just been shattered?

Known for her hits “We never forget anything, we live with”, “She, you love her”, or “There are too many people who love you”, Hélène Ségara is today a key figure. French song. If some have discovered her talent in the musical “The Hunchback of Notre-Dame” where she interpreted the role of Esmeralda, others will have recognized her voice on the soundtrack of the cartoon “Anastasia” and therefore on the song “Far away from the December cold”.

Despite some health concerns, the 52-year-old singer signed her 13th studio album in 2021, she who was named at the start of the rank of Knight in the Order of Arts and Letters in 2011. Also, the artist has these last years, took on the role of juror in the program “La France a Un Incroyable Talent” broadcast on M6.

And if on the professional side, all the lights are green, it would seem that the private life of Hélène Ségara is currently subject to some turbulence.

Hélène Ségara separated from her husband after 20 years of marriage?
This Friday, April 21, 2023, our colleagues from Here indeed affirm seriously, that Hélène Ségara would have separated from Mathieu Lecat, her husband of 20 years and father of her two youngest children Matteo and Maya. We learn that their separation dates back to several months ago and was initiated by the 52-year-old singer.

Having become a mother at only 18 years old of a son named Raphaël, Hélène Ségara after years of celibacy, had met the musician Mathieu Lecat and their marriage had been celebrated in Ajaccio in 2003. Very quickly, they had decided to enlarge their family with the birth of Matteo in 2003 and of Maya in 2004, thus forming a happy blended family. It now remains to know and understand why, the famous singer would have made the decision to separate from the one who shared her life for two decades… We also note that the mother who is very active on social networks, n absolutely nothing has been confirmed yet.


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