20 years later, Georges-Alain Jones knocks out the “Star Academy” in the middle of an interview!

On August 31, 2002, viewers of TF1 met Houcine, Nolwenn Leroy, Emma Daumas, or even Georges-Alain during the second season of the “Star Academy”. Like Jean-Pascal in the previous season, the latter was especially talked about for his behavior and his famous nonchalance. Nonchalance that allowed him to worship the interpretation of “Latin Paris” and the title “Asereje” of Las Ketchup. Obviously, the friend of Houcine during this season did not win the competition and quickly drew a line under a possible musical career.

Since the end of the “Star Ac'”Georges-Alain no longer appeared in the media… until the release of season 3 of “LOL, who laughs, comes out!”. The issuance of Prime Video, presented by Philippe Lacheau. A program in which the candidates must do everything not to laugh, but to try to crack the other comedians and candidates present. In the third edition of the program, Laura Felpin surprised when she managed to bring back Georges-Alain, who had disappeared from the radar, on the stage of the show for his joker card. An appearance that surprised everyone, but above all greatly pleased.

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Georges-Alain and his bad memory of reality TV

Since coming to “LOL, who laughs, comes out!”, Georges-Alain agrees to give a few interviews to talk about his new life and talk about his past. A past of which he does not always keep a good memory. The proof, with his recent statements to Konbini. Invited to introduce himself by our colleagues, Georges-Alain warned from the outset: “I did Star Academy 20 years ago… and it’s over. I’m not talking about Star Ac’, it pisses me off. They pissed me off. The production, everyone pissed me off “.

Indeed, the ex-candidate of the “Star Academy” explains that the overexposure has been a problem for him. “Overexposure is not really my thing. There, there are guys who filmed us, who put us in front of us, who bludgeoned us on TV… in all the press. I think I did thirty-eight covers for the show”, he remembers still disturbed by this buzz. Thereafter, the ex-candidate of telecrochet of TF1 revealed to have been contacted to participate in the “Angels of reality TV”. Proposals he has always refused.


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