20 years in prison for the murder of Théo Perelle in Hérouville Saint Clair

A sentence of 20 years of criminal imprisonment pronounced this Monday evening by the Assize Court of Calvados at the trial of the death of Théo Perelle. The 18-year-old had been killed in 2019 by a shotgun in the Grande Delle district of Hérouville Saint Clair
(Calvados). Killed for a “bad look” exchanged a few hours earlier.

The main defendant, Sid Ahmed Hattabi, author of the fatal shot, was sentenced for murder to 20 years in prison, the premeditation not having been accepted. Two of the three other defendants, also prosecuted for murder, were finally sentenced to three years in prison for intentional violence without ITT. The youngest, who was a minor at the time, was acquitted.

A verdict that leaves a bitter taste for Theo’s loved ones

Tight on the bench of the civil party, Theo’s family greeted this verdict with bitterness and disappointment. “We are physically and psychologically exhausted. We have the feeling that during the whole week, we were made fun of a little, with the lies, the reversals of situation. We had confidence in justice and there, it is the blow of the club“, confides Theo’s aunt_._


The legal concept of co-action discarded

What allowed some of the defendants to be sentenced so lightly is that the legal concept of co-action was not retained. A concept that implies that everyone acted in a common way. But this is not the case, explains Gabriel Sibout, the lawyer for one of the two defendants sentenced to three years in prison. “It is very clear that there was one shooter and not several. And then it seems just as clear to me, particularly concerning my client, that he had no intention of joining a process that was intended to kill“.

This verdict is subject to appeal within 10 days. And all, civil party and defense, left last night thinking that this first round will probably be followed by a second in a few months.

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