20 years after a terrible failure, will it be able to save the left?

At 4 months of the presidential election, five candidates from the left have already embarked on the race for the Elysee. And while Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Fabien Roussel, Yannick Jadot, Arnaud Montebourg and Anne Hidalgo, do not exceed 10% in the polls, the latter has pointed out the idea of ​​organizing a primary.

“Taubira is back”

And while the boss of France Insoumise has already announced his intention to go it alone, another personality on the left sees an opportunity for a comeback. This is Christiane Taubira, former minister of François Hollande, whose popularity was born from the bill opening marriage and adoption to same-sex couples.

A popularity confirmed more recently by an Odoxa-Mascaret poll for The Obs published on December 10 which installs him as the favorite personality of all the sympathizers of the left. So obviously, it gives ideas …

Christiane Taubira would therefore have a secret plan, according to the Express, for the next election. She would have planned to write a “letter to the French” for Christmas. “I don’t know if we can talk about a comeback yet, but she has decided to speak much more regularly in the coming weeks.“, explains a source to the weekly. In his entourage one would already have a code name: “Taubira is back”, accompanied by a muscular arm emoji and a very clear hashtag: “# Taubira2022”.

20 years after a terrible failure

Twenty years after being the one by whom the left lost (In 2002, Jean-Marie Le Pen reached the second round of the presidential election, and Lionel Jospin retired from public life) Christiane Taubira wants to appear as “the providential woman who can save the left from disaster” valued ReleaseWill she succeed? To be continued …

>> See also: Taubira and the Petit journal


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