20% of beds currently closed in France, why?




Article written by

S. Ricottier, T. Souman, F. Blévis, PJ. Perrin, A. Brodin – France 2

France Televisions

In our public hospitals, one in five beds is therefore not available. This is 20% of the total capacity in France, a consequence of the absenteeism of exhausted caregivers, but also because these professions no longer attract.

It’s a slow-moving hospital. In La Timone, Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), several double rooms accommodate only one patient. There are not enough caregivers to open all the beds. In the city, there are currently 448 closed beds out of 2,700, or 16% of the capacity.

In La Timone, a health manager needed six night nurses in October, but none of the six positions were filled. “Often it is the day shift that works the nights, and they are paid overtime”, explains Brigitte Asciach, health manager at La Timone. Consequence of this shortage: many examinations and operations are unscheduled, some of which are however urgent. And Marseille is not an isolated case. In France, 20% of beds in public establishments are closed. From October, the Scientific Council sounded the alarm. Some caregivers have even changed their lives after the Covid-19 crisis because of too difficult working conditions.

Opinion of the Scientific Council of October 5, 2021

Pr Arnaud Méjean is a cancer surgeon and head of the urology department at the Georges-Pompidou European Hospital (APHP)

Timone Hospital (Marseille) and APHM

Non-exhaustive list.

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