20 minutes for 1200 calories burned, the new trendy activity!

1er January of this year, just a few minutes after the stroke of midnight, you had drawn up a tailor-made list to make 2021 more dynamic than ever. But the year 2022 is already fast approaching and the result? You haven’t really kept to your good resolutions. Especially with regard to regular physical activity (no need to find a good excuse, there is none) … Or maybe one that would say that “sport is too hard“.

When you are not used to it, and the urge is not really there, doing a complete workout can sometimes be taxing. It is for this reason that, playing sport should not be an obligation, it is important to find your favorite activity, the one that makes you feel good, the one that even after 30 minutes makes you want to continue, the one that brings you the expected results. For some it will be dance, because moving to the rhythm is your passion, for others it will be athletics or running, because running faster and faster empties you and makes you feel good, or even boxing to decompress, fitness to sculpt your body as you wish … in short, there is something for everyone.

But whether you are athletic or not, passionate or not, BODYHIT is an activity that requires very little effort at the time, and which proves to be essential to strengthen the deep muscles, and those that are not not really used to working. Watch out for small aches and pains the next day!


This method is: 20 minutes of simple effort, for 1200 calories lost. It’s like playing sports for 4 hours, but in just 20 short minutes. The secret ? Electrostimulation. And in this area, BODYHIT is the leader, and therefore the ideal ally for a smooth recovery (or grip!).

Results ? With a few sessions in their studios, you can reach your weight loss and bodybuilding goals in record time. Little more, this method allows a maintenance and a correction of the posture.

So, are you ready to get started?

See also: Here is a fitness challenge to take up to have beautiful plump and firm buttocks!

Ophelia Moisant

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