2 men and 1 woman arrested for a series of robberies in Montargois and Giennois

It is a series of 3 heists which has just been clarified by the gendarmes of Montargis, Gien and Bellegarde: 3 thefts with violence committed to the detriment of the press house of Briare last October 7, of the bar-tabac “Open of happiness” of Lorris on October 26, and the Total gas station in La Selle-en-Hermoy November 5.

Two robbers and an accomplice

Each time, the same operating mode: at the end of the day, 2 armed individuals with hidden faces burst into shops shortly before closing time and received the cash register – between € 150 and € 1,800 According to the case. They then fled thanks to an accomplice who was waiting for them in the car a little further.

Remanded in custody pending trial

The investigation identified the alleged perpetrators of the robberies – 2 men aged 18 and 28 – as well as their accomplice – a 25-year-old woman. All 3 were arrested on Saturday morning and remanded in custody. The 2 men will be tried for robbery with violence, the woman for complicity; their trial is scheduled for December before the criminal court of Montargis.

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