Exhaust gases, welding fumes, mineral oils, dust… Dares conducted a survey of French employees and their occupational risks.
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The figure is impressive: no less than 11% of French employees, or 2.7 million people, are exposed, in their work, to at least one carcinogenic chemical product. This is the conclusion of a researcher from the Ddirection of the animation of research, studies and statistics (Dares), the statistical institute of the Ministry of Labor and a medical labor inspector.
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They are based on statistics dating back to 2017, the Sumer study (medical monitoring of employee exposure to occupational risks) which is a benchmark in this area. These products are primarily diesel exhaust gases, which affect the greatest number of employees. This is followed by welding fumes, mineral oils, wood dust and crystalline silica, present in many rocks such as sandstone, granite or sand.
90% men
Exposure to these products does not concern all workers equally. It is the workers, who however constitute only 29% of all employees, who represent more than two thirds of employees exposed to at least one carcinogen. Four major sectors of activity are concerned: construction, with 36% of employees exposed, followed by industry, agriculture and the tertiary sector. Risks that mainly affect young men. Nine out of ten employees exposed to these chemical agents are men. And the proportion of workers concerned decreases with age: it is greater than or equal to 12% for those under 39, but only 8% for those over sixty.
Temporary workers, apprentices and interns are on the front line. The activities entrusted to them often present risks, note the two authors of this report. Finally, it is workers in small establishments, with less than ten employees, who are most often exposed to carcinogenic products. In more than half of the cases, there is no collective protection available to workers.