(Ottawa) Nathalie Provost is “heartbroken”. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau also deplored the use of the “Poly” promotional code for the purchase of goods on the website of a pro-arms group in the run-up to the 33e anniversary of the mass feminicide at Polytechnique.
“Save 10% with promo code POLY”.
That’s the offer made by Tracey Wilson, vice-president of public relations for the Canadian Coalition for Firearms Rights (CCFR) for purchases of merchandise on its website.

“Poly, I will give you a discount,” she also tweeted on November 20.
The group of students and graduates of Polytechnique for the control of firearms, Polysesouvient, had previously denounced on the same social network the sale of promotional items by this lobbying group.
“I feel a bit sick at heart. It’s odious. It’s as if the tragedy of Poly was a farce, “denounced in an interview Nathalie Provost, survivor of the massacre of December 6, 1989.

Nathalie Provost, survivor of the Polytechnique massacre
She sees it as the same type of provocation as the attempted demonstration on the Place du 6-décembre-1989 by the group Tous contre un québecoise de les bras à feu, in 2017, which had finally aborted.
“There’s something a little bit sacred around that, so we can’t trivialize what they do,” she pleads.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, whose government these days is seeking to pass Bill C-21 on firearms, sighed when asked about the CCFR’s strategy at a press conference in Vancouver .
He did not comment on it specifically, but he took the opportunity to lump the gun lobby and the conservative opposition in the same basket.
Unfortunately, we see that the gun lobby is working with the Conservative Party of Canada to spread misinformation, use fear, and sow division.
Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada
“I think Canadians are united in wanting to see less gun violence,” he said.
December 6, 2022 will mark the 33rd anniversary of the Polytechnique massacre.
Fourteen women fell on the bullets of a misogynistic killer in 1989 in this Montreal university establishment.
According to The Canadian Press, Tracey Wilson maintained that the promotion did not refer to the tragedy, but rather to the Twitter account of PolySeSouvient, which allegedly referred to supporters of her organization as armed trolls.
Ultimately, Nathalie Provost believes that “it’s going to come back to them like a boomerang, that affair”, and that people will “understand that the arms lobby, behind the appearance of sport hunting defenders, is seeking to establish in country a philosophy of protection with arms”.