191 applications already received by the luxury leather goods manufacturer Rioland

“Precisely 191”, answers Joseph Luciani, the deputy director of employment in Creuse. “This is great news for the department”, he continues. Rioland, a luxury leather goods group, has indeed announced its desire to set up a long-term establishment in Creuse. Boss Jean-François Rioland had mentioned 350 jobs over 5 years at the end of 2021.

“42 positions will be recruited at the beginning of June 2022 with a start of ten-week training. These people will sign a professionalization contract on a permanent contract”, explains Joseph Luciani. Etienne Lejeune, the mayor of La Souterraine, welcomes this business establishment “after 50 years of scarcity and the De Fursac and GM&S episodes”.

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In the 191 applications registered on January 12, 2022, there are those of Charlotte and Malika, two friends and residents of Azérables, about fifteen minutes from the Underground. “With my husband, we can’t get enough of Paris. I’ve worked for 16 years at the RATP (Editor’s note: Autonomous Paris public transport authority). We bought a house in Creuse and I fell in love”, says Malika, 47 years old. Except that he finds a job. “We can’t stay and do nothing”, she says. So the arrival of Rioland is an opportunity to seize. “I’m motivated. I like the idea of ​​making something, to see a product evolve from start to finish. To have a form of recognition”, she explains.

It suits me 100% – Charlotte

With Charlotte, they met at the restaurant. The current immediately passed between the two women. And they both decided to embark on this Rioland project. Charlotte has been in Creuse for 10 years already but she has a string of jobs. “School taxi, home help, catering”, she says. Except that basically she comes from the fashion world and hopes to make good use of his experience. “I have a background in graphic arts, I worked for a pearl trade and for a jewelry designer”, she says.

Aptitude tests and interviews will be conducted in February and March to find the first 42 people recruited, “dare ambassadors”, explains Joseph Luciani. Then will come other waves of recruitment. First at the end of 2022, “probably in November”, continues Joseph Luciani. “Then every quarter” to go to 350 jobs within 5 years, he ends.

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