190 victims were compensated as of March 1

The average amount of financial reparations is 37,000 euros.

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As of March 1, 2023, 190 victims of child crime in the Church have obtained financial compensation, learned France Inter, this Friday, March 10, from the Independent National Authority for Recognition and Reparation (Inirr). This figure corresponds to the total number of victims compensated since the launch, at the end of 2021, of the Inirr, which published its first annual report on Thursday March 7.

The average amount of financial reparations is 37,000 euros, the maximum reparation fixed by the Inirr is 60,000 euros.

>> VIDEO. Victims of the Church: 60,000 euros in “reparation” for a wasted life… “it does not even cover the cost of therapy”

In total, 1,186 victims contacted the Inirr, the main body responsible for reparations and compensation for acts of child crime in the Church. 404 of them are accompanied by a referent. On this date, 201 people obtained a decision from the Inirr college, after processing their situation and providing support. According to Inirr, 68% of these victims are men. The average age of these victims is 63 years old.

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