1800 officers wanted in Ottawa | The feds say they are quickly considering Mayor Watson’s request

(Ottawa) The Trudeau government assures that it is wasting no time and is working to follow up on the request of the mayor of Ottawa, Jim Watson, who is calling for 1,800 agents to put an end to the mobilization taking place at the center -city of the federal capital for about ten days.

Posted at 3:24 p.m.

Emilie Bergeron
The Canadian Press

“Yesterday we met literally within hours of receiving the letter, wasting no time at all to make sure we understood the parameters and (the detail) of the request,” the security minister said. public, Marco Mendicino, Tuesday afternoon.

He thus referred to the missive from Mayor Watson and Diane Deans, chair of the City’s Police Services Board, sent on Monday.

On Tuesday, wishing to provide an update on the situation in Ottawa with his colleague in Emergency Preparedness, Bill Blair, he added that the Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), Brenda Lucki, and her counterpart of the OPP of Ontario (PPO) were working together to find the best way to respond to the City’s request.

“There are additional funds that the City can draw on to cover some of the extraordinary expenses that have been incurred as a result of the convoy,” said Minister Mendicino, mentioning that this possibility had been raised with municipal officials.

“This is another concrete solution to ensure that the resources the City needs are there,” insisted the Minister.

He further recalled that 275 RCMP officers have been assigned to provide support to the Ottawa Police Service (OPS).

Minister Blair, for his part, said that the tripartite consultation table announced the day before met for the first time on Monday evening.

“We are currently working on scheduling another meeting later today and an invitation has been sent to (Ontario Solicitor General Sylvia) Jones, Mayor Watson and their respective officials,” said -he indicates.

Minister Blair further described his discussions with the Mayor of Ottawa as “very productive”.

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