18 years in prison for the murderer of his “boss” in Miribel-les-Echelles

To the question, Did José Goncalves-Teixeira voluntarily kill Julien Descotes-Genon, the jurors answered “yes”, dismissing the act of voluntary violence having caused death, without intention to give it. They confirm the qualification of “assassination” for which the accused was returned. In a story where undeclared work and money debt mingle.

Announcement text messages

Premeditation is the opposite of sudden impulse began the indictment of the Advocate General. For Mathilde Porret-Blanc assassination, that is to say murder with premeditation, is beyond doubt. She had requested 20 years of criminal imprisonment with a security sentence of one third. The jurors almost followed him.
It is the bundle of concordant intentions that justifies this condemnation. Two text messages announcing the intention to kill, an hour then half an hour before the tragedy. SMS sent to a friend who did not answer, then to the victim himself: “I will pierce your skin“When we know that Julien Descotes-Genon died of pneumothorax caused by a 7.65 bullet to the top of the lung.
And then there is the purchase of the weapon. When ? Teixeira did not want to answer. And again, to shoot with this 7.65, there are five actions to do such as filling the magazine, removing the safety catch or cocking the barrel. In addition, the gun was slammed into a lethal area of ​​the body: the upper torso. Finally, after the shooting, the murderer picked up his glasses that had fallen to the ground and he left without trying to help the man he called his friend. Arguments taken up by Me Florent Giraultthe lawyer for the civil parties: “ If you didn’t want to kill him, why didn’t you rescue him? You left leaving your friend on the ground comparing him to the sleeper in the Val de Rimbaud. ” He was still alive. After a pneumothorax we can talk for thirty seconds and we are still in agony for ten minutes »

Why do my children no longer have a father?

Why do my children no longer have a father? Why did he do what he did? I’m still waiting for the answer asked, Wednesday evening, Mouna Descotes-Genon in tears. The young widow, aged 34, questions the motive for the crime: “Cis too simple to talk about payment »
But when the president of the assize court, Valerie Blainask him ” Was it moonlighting? Mouna replies: “ I couldn’t tell you The president continues: your husband had withdrawn 27,200 euros in cash Response from Mouna Descotes-Genon: “ It was to help people “In his pleading, Thursday morning, Mr. Giraudhis lawyer noted “ that it would have been good to demonstrate what each owed »
In his indictment, Mathilde Porret-Blanc, had also noted bank transfers from Julien to José: 9,000 euros in the last year, again citing the craftsmen who testified and qualified Julien Descotes-Genon ” honest »

It’s word against word

In his last statements, Wednesday evening, Jose Teixeiramaintained his version: “He owed me 22,000 euros in arrears for work over several years and 6,000 euros for parquet for his house “And it is precisely” half of the floor “as claimed by José Teixeira, an hour before the murder. The problem with moonlighting is that the Portuguese have no documents to prove it. But the prosecution is also unable to produce the accounts of Julien Descotes-Genon’s SCI, which would prove remuneration based on invoices or an employment contract. Still, José Teixeira worked a lot for the victim. All the witnesses said so, his wife included.

The hall of lost steps © Radio France
Gerard Fourgeaud

So, “wouldn’t the real motive of the crime be jealousy, towards a friend who goes faster”request Me Florent Girault. Julien was on another project with other investors. When José Teixeira claims 3,000 euros, the victim replies that she needs this money for this new project. ” He lived this period as a deep injustice “acknowledged the Advocate General, before claiming 20 years of criminal imprisonment accompanied by a security sentence of one third. Mathilde Porret-Blanc recalls that the gesture of killing a man, ” it is a relegation of constructive means of settling disputes. In the penal code, an assassination is just after crimes against humanity But at the end of her indictment, she also notes a fragility of the accused; ” Experts consider it rehabilitable. The sentence you pronounce must take this into account.»

Keep him away from society without banishing him definitively

Everything is derisory compared to the suffering of Madame Descotes-Genon » First sentence of the pleading of Mr. Ronald Galloafter a break of one hour, at midday.
And José Teixeira’s lawyer recalls that there are several forms of assassination: ” there is the wife who pays a killer to kill her husband. There’s the sniper who shoots an inmate in jail. Is Teixeira capable of that? No. Teixeira’s life is to give oneself for others. He sacrifices his life and, for example, goes to work as a farmer in Portugal to help his sick grandparents. He is an altruist. The opposite of a pervert. His daily behavior does not allow to imagine that he wants to kill his friend. José is not a psychopath, not asocial. The psychiatrist said it, he does not represent a criminological danger. This man is not dangerous “. ” He could not have fomented this homicide” concludes Me Ronald Gallo »

Last lawyer to speak, Me Gregoire De Petivillesecond defender of José Teixeira: “ The doubt must benefit the accused “. For him, at the time of the shooting, the weapon fell to the ground, after the victim gave two slaps to the accused. ” He bent down to pick up the gun, grabbing the trigger like an extension of the butt.”. ” If he wants to kill, he shoots several bullets pleads the defender.
You will have to reclassify the facts as voluntary violence having led to death without intention to give it »

Earlier, Me Ronald Gallo had given the jurors a reference: the fourteen years of criminal imprisonment against Marc Cécillon for the assassination of his wife, in 2004. The latter was defended by the current Keeper of the Seals, noted the lawyer.
The assize court did not follow the defense lawyers. José Teixeira will be able to appeal the verdict. In theory ! Because with a sentence of 18 years, taking into account the 2 years and 8 months of preventive prison, he could be released in seven years. At this idea, Mouna Descotes-Genon is outraged. The victim’s wife was hoping for a stronger sentence.

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