18-year-old woman died after being shot in Grenoble


Article written by

A.Hanquet, E.Pelletier, O.Martin, M.-C.Perrier A.Kebabti, JC.Martin, France 3 Rhône-Alpes, R.Laurentin – France 2

France Televisions

A driver refused to submit to a police check in Grenoble, Isère. After police fire, 18-year-old passenger in the car died

An 18-year-old girl died in Grenoble (Isère), after a chase with the police on the night of Tuesday October 4 to Wednesday October 5. The vehicle was spotted at 2:20 a.m. by the police in Saint-Martin-d’Hères (Isère), who wanted to check it. The driver of the car, which contained at least two people, refused to stop. He would then have opened fire on the police before fleeing towards Grenoble.

The driver would then have struck another police vehicle, whose occupants would have used their weapons. “My colleagues dismounted, thinking that the vehicle was going to stop. But it turned around and deliberately ran into my colleagues”, explains Yannick Biancheri, departmental secretary of the National Police Alliance. That’s when the police fired. The driver managed to flee, then lost control of the vehicle further. The 18-year-old passenger died after being shot in the neck.

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