17th edition of the Caussadaise, Saturday June 18, 2022 in Trélissac

A 9km walk and 3 nature races with 3 different distances, here is the sports menu of the Caussadaise, 17th edition, this Saturday June 18, 2022. First departures at 5.45 p.m. The Elan Sportif Trélissacois, organizing club, invites you to carpool and respect the environment and invites you to a paella meal and music in the evening.

3 races, 3 distances on the Caussadaise menu

5km, 15km and 21km for distances with more or less steep elevation changes depending on the distance. The participants will have almost no bitumen to put under their feet, but above all paths and a long course in the woods. The most represented club at the start of the races will be rewarded. Last year it was the Esprit Trail Chantérac club that won this trophy for the most present club in number. The organizers are always concerned about preserving the environment and invite participants to come with their water bottles and if possible to organize themselves online for carpooling. A gift will be offered to each participant. Then don’t forget the musical evening with a paella meal. To register, simply go to the ikinoa.com website.

Poster of the 17th edition of the Caussadaise
Elan Sportif Trélissacois

Note that the organizers have also planned races for children.

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