In total, “179 referrals to the public prosecutor” were made for incidents during tributes on Monday to teachers Dominique Bernard killed in Arras on Friday and to Samuel Paty, killed three years earlier, the Minister of Education announced on Tuesday .
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The Minister of National Education Gabriel Attal announced Tuesday October 17 to the National Assembly that 179 students had disrupted the minute of silence observed Monday in all establishments in France in tribute to Dominique Bernard, the teacher murdered Friday by a former student radicalized in Arras, three years to the day after the assassination of Samuel Paty.
“There are 179 referrals to the public prosecutor who are leaving today [ce mardi]179 legal proceedings which also start and for the most serious cases, several dozen of them which concern the apology of terrorism, I order today the exclusion of these students pending disciplinary procedures”detailed the minister. “At one point, tolerance is fine, ‘the no wave’ is over!”he said.
There are “68 students” who had “words and actions of particular gravity”
On Tuesday evening, the minister’s entourage clarified to franceinfo that “68 of these 179 students made comments and actions of particular seriousness”. One student notably declared at the time of the tribute: “If I were Al Quaida, I would plant a bomb right away.” Another shouted: “A teacher is dead, well done for him!” During the minute of silence, a student utters the following sentence: “I don’t care, I’m going to say Allah Akbar.” Two students also simulated weapons fire during the time of contemplation.