1,700 young people are looking for a mentor who would help them enter the workforce

Do you know mentoring ? It is a way to support young people who are studying or who want to enter the world of work and who need help.

Difficult for a young person without advice, without support, to approach certain courses. Nor is it easy to get hired in certain companies when you have neither the codes nor the address book.

With a mentor, in other words someone who has already studied or who works in the profession that the young person has chosen and who can talk to him about it concretely, give him advice, leads, the path is much easier.

The “Article 1” association lacks a mentor

To connect young people and mentors, the “Article 1” association launched its mentoring platform DEMA1N.org on the Internet in early October. The success was immediate. In 15 days, 1,700 young people in Ile-de-France (8,500 in France) have registered to have a mentor.

The problem is, a lot less mentors have come forward. Today the association lacks mentors to respond to young people. So she decided to launch a call to encourage working people, whether employees or not, but also retirees and students to become mentors.

Why become a mentor?

Mentoring is a way to help young people who have no relationships, but also to create links between generations, recalls the association Article 1. When you love your job, you may want to share their skills and experience with a young person who wants to embark on the same path.

The mentor must be able to give a little of his time to support and accompany young people who are having difficulty integrating into the world of work.

How to register on the platform?

Whether you are a young person looking for support or a mentor ready to share their professional experience, you have to go to the DEMA1N.org platform.

You then have the choice between asking for support or offering to help. It’s free. Mentorship lasts at least three months.

Youth registration

The young person who registers will receive a call from a mentor adapted to his request. On DEMA1N.org, he will have to give his course. He will have to choose the help he needs : just support, discover a profession or even find an internship and write a few lines to introduce yourself.

Mentor registration

For the mentor, you will be asked in which area you want to intervene. It is an algorithm which forms the pairs. It is you who will make contact with the young person.

You will need to be available and caring. You can manage your schedule as you want, but you will be recommended at least two exchanges per month with the young person you will take under your wing.

The association remains present throughout the mission to help mentors, answer questions and solve problems.

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