17 bathers carried away by the current in Biarritz

While this Saturday was classified red for the risk of baïnes on the Aquitaine coast, 17 people were trapped by the currents in Biarritz. All were recovered by the emergency services in front of the Grande Plage, which was crowded.

It was late afternoon, it was 5:48 p.m. when the emergency services were alerted on this crowded Grande Plage de Biarritz.

17 people, who were swimming when the tide was rising, were surprised by very strong currents. They found themselves, in an instant, nearly 800 meters away from the beach.

Very quickly the MNS present on the spot launched themselves to their aid under the eyes of the holidaymakers. They left aboard jet skis before being supported by the Ecu 64 helicopter. by the municipal team for the second, and posted on social networks.

The 17 people are safe and sound.

This rescue comes as the authorities had issued a maximum alert to baïnes for this Saturday.

As a general rule, it is strongly recommended to swim in supervised areas on ocean beaches.

At the beginning of the summer, 5 people drowned on the Aquitaine coast, carried away by currents of baïnes.

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