17 AgroParisTech students claim to have been victims of rape during their studies, according to an internal investigation

A student association conducted a survey in 2021 of 2,000 students. 566 of them responded. 23% of respondents also say they have been victims of sexual assault “with contact”.

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After SciencesPo or CentraleSupélec, it is in another major French school that rape and gender-based violence are reported: 17 students, including 16 women and one non-binary person, “declare having suffered one or more rapes” during their studies at the AgroParisTech engineering school, according to the conclusions of an internal survey published on Tuesday June 21 and to which franceinfo had access.

A student association for the fight against sexist and sexual violence, called CASSIS (agro cell for awareness and information on sexuality), conducted a survey in 2021 among 2,000 students. 566 of them responded.

In addition, 23% of respondents say they have been victims of sexual assault “with contact”. 10 of them claim to have had their condom removed by surprise, without their consent. The survey shows that 31.9% of sexual assaults and 64.7% of rapes were committed while the victim had consumed alcohol or narcotics, and was not “not in a condition to know or tell whether he or she was consenting or consenting”.

The study identifies 526 “discriminatory behavior or remarks or comments with a sexual connotation”, often taking place during festive events, coming mainly from students but also sometimes from teachers or staff of the establishment (for 42 of them). The members of the association alert on “the extent of this sexist and sexual violence” within the establishment and “urgent and alarming nature of the situation”.

The management will set up, from the start of the school year in September, among other things, a listening and support unit for victims, as well as training to raise awareness of gender-based and sexual violence. The general manager of AgroParisTech seized the public prosecutor of Paris.

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