160 people gathered in front of the station to say no to the far right

Rallies were organized all over France this Saturday to say no to the presence of the far right in the second round of the presidential election against Emmanuel Macron. An outgoing president divisive for left-wing voters some of whom are still hesitating about their choice next Sunday. In Amiens, 160 people mobilized station square according to figures from the national police.

“In 2017, I couldn’t vote. It’s my first presidential election. Marine Le Pen means more power to the police, going back to the past for women’s rights. We already have the examples of Brazil , Poland and other countries in Eastern Europe. It’s just legitimizing violence against racialized, LGBT or disabled people”explains Jade, a 20-year-old student from Amiens.

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“The policy that the National Rally wants to lead, their way of doing politics and their vision of society, for me it is a way of burying the Republic and democracy”says Vincent, 46 years old and quite worried about the second round. “The weak mobilization is indicative of a liberalization of xenophobic speech and we are far from the demonstrations of 2002 when Jean-Marie Le Pen qualified for the second round. It was really a surprise”he recalls.

“The leaders of the National Rally no longer call themselves racist, no longer far-right, but they flirt days with the limit and we know very well who we are facing” —Vincent, 46

The choice will therefore be very easy to do for Vincent next Sunday. Jade, 20, did the same. “I think I’m going to put out a Macron bulletin even if it hurts me a lot because I don’t agree at all with his policy, especially on the university. But I will fight to ensure that the extreme -right does not gain power”ends the young Amiens.

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