“16% of companies have finished repaying” their loan guaranteed by the State, announces the President of the French Banking Federation

“There are already 16% of companies that have finished repaying” their loan guaranteed byEstate (PGE), indicates Tuesday, January 4 on franceinfo Nicolas Théry, president of the French Banking Federation (FBF), while the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire announced Monday, January 3 a relaxation of the reimbursement of this PGE. The companies concerned will be able to spread their payments over ten years and will be able to postpone their first repayment.

According to Nicolas Théry, “you have to concentrate” on companies that will ask to benefit from a delay because “3 to 4% of them, or 25 to 30,000 companies, have, given the circumstances, particular difficulties”. These companies are located “in particular in the sector of events, tourism, school trips, sports halls”.

However, “We must also not forget that the French economy is doing well. We are at more than 6%, significantly above 6% growth.” With the health crisis “we have learned to deal with uncertainty”, welcomes Nicolas Théry. According to him, the meeting organized on Monday with the Minister of the Economy, the Banking Federation and all the federations “demonstrated that we knew how to play collectively”.

Thus, it ensures that 80% of companies reimburse their EMP “no problem” and “already half of the companies have started to reimburse”. In this context, “we are mobilized for personalized support on a case-by-case basis for companies that have serious, proven difficulties and that we are going to support “, insists the president of the French Banking Federation.

Nicolas Théry also wishes to recall the commitments of companies through the schedule of the loan guaranteed by the State, which represents “a little more than a day and a half of turnover per month from next April, so a maximum of three months of turnover”. This amount will be refunded “over four years”, he recalls. “I think the overwhelming majority of businesses, given the recovery and the organization, will be able to cope.”, still believes the president of the French Banking Federation.

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