1,500 employee shareholders of the company will receive a check for 100,000 euros


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

C. Rougerie, M. Martel, J. Messa, M. Mouamma, L. Latour – France 2

France Televisions

For a derisory starting bet, 1,500 employee shareholders of La Redoute are preparing to receive a check for an average of 100,000 euros.

Place 100 euros at the start to, eight years later, earn 100,000 euros. At La Redoute, some employees had their noses. 1,500 employees, or almost one in two, took shares in the company as it plunged. Since then, she has recovered. Jean-Marc Pénelaud, a manager in the company, is one of these employee shareholders. In 2014, he invested 150 euros. He will therefore soon receive a check for 100,000 euros.

A drastic recovery plan

“The company has really recovered a lot, it creates value. It’s great that this value is redistributed to those who built this success”entrusts Jean-Marc Penelaud. 10 years ago, the famous mail-order brand was, however, at its worst, overtaken by the clothing chains. The buyers then began a drastic recovery plan. Reduced staff, catalog stopped, Internet sales developed… These efforts have paid off, rejoices today the financial director, Michel Taoui.

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