15 years later, the reunion that is causing a huge buzz on Instagram!

Last year, at the microphone of Isabelle Morizet, on Europe 1, Pascal Obispo returned to the album he recorded 15 years ago with Isabelle Adjani, but which was never released.

“Don’t be in a hurry, it’s coming. It’s very good news”he launched on the airwaves … before ending up saying more, this week, on Instagram.

Indeed, on the famous social network, where he has several hundred thousand subscribers, the singer posted a photo of him alongside the movie star.

“Album recording complete”, noted the main interested party in the caption of his publication. A message accompanied by a string of hearts.

“What an awesome DUO!!! Heaven is right here!!! We’ve been waiting for this one!!! Can’t wait to listen to this album!!!”, “So excited”, “Bravo already looking forward to listen to it”, “The long-awaited album !!!”, “Ah great the little gem will arrive soon! You took the time it’s essential to do beautiful things”, “Album = tour. Nothing only happiness then”, “As what everything comes to the point to who knows how to wait”, can we read here and there in the comments. Proof that, even fifteen years later, the public remains faithful and still as excited by this sacred duo!

See also: Pascal Obispo saved this singer from a big scam!

Apolline Demarchelier

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