15 people arrested in six months for threats

While violence and threats are increasing against elected officials, the Minister of the Interior has taken stock of the investigations carried out for this type of incident in recent months.

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This is an announcement that comes a few days after the assault on the member for Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, Stephane Claireaux. Fifteen people have been arrested over the past six months after threats against elected officials, Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin reported on Wednesday January 12. “These are threats that are often extremely hidden, on social networks (…) We manage to identify these people, it takes a little time”, he added, about the increase in violence against elected officials, often in connection with the challenge of health policy.

According to the Interior Ministry, three quarters of threats against elected officials come from antivax. More than 300 complaints for “death threats” have been filed by elected officials since July and the entry into force of the health pass, including 60 complaints since early January. Tuesday evening, the President of the National Assembly, Richard Ferrand, brought together Gérald Darmanin and the Minister of Justice, Eric Dupond-Moretti.

“The ministers guaranteed me the total commitment and full mobilization of the State services, both for the protection of the offices and the homes of deputies as for the investigations and legal matters to be brought to the complaints lodged”, said Richard Ferrand Wednesday to the deputies, in a letter which AFP was aware of. The holder of the perch decided that the Assembly would become a civil party in each case.

A new one “permanent cell” associating the Senate and the internal security forces will make it possible to“ensure an exact and regular follow-up of facts and complaints”, adds Richard Ferrand. Finally, the ministers accepted “the creation of a dedicated statistic which will make it possible to identify precisely the misdeeds committed against elected officials, parliamentarians and local”.

Tuesday, in a strong symbolic act, all the bosses of the political groups in the National Assembly arrived together in the hemicycle behind Richard Ferrand to denounce in unison the “rise of hatred” against elected officials.

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