15 days before the first round, Fabien Roussel sounds the mobilization


Article written by

C. Motte, H. Capelli, Ph. Lagaune, T. Busschaert, G. Lliaboeuf – France 2

France Televisions

Fabien Roussel wants to reconnect, as his campaign slogan says, “with happy days”. And to mobilize his electorate, the candidate of the Communist Party organizes convivial aperitifs, “Apéroussel”. Journalists from France 3 followed him on Friday March 25, during one of them, in the North.

Fabien Roussel arrives on foot. He came to participate, Friday March 25, in what he calls an “Apéroussel”, an aperitif to convince. The communist candidate is at home here, in the twentieth district of the North. And fifteen days before the first round, he sounds the mobilization. “We proposed this idea of ​​’Apéroussel’, to be able to fight against abstention first”, says the candidate. A communist presidential candidate, it’s been fifteen years since that happened.

Drinks with or without alcohol, pâté, crisps, to talk politics and rub shoulders with Fabien Roussel. “He knows everyone, and we can count on him”, says an activist. Largely outstripped by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Fabien Roussel is betting, he says, “on a constructive program”. Credited with 3 to 4% in the polls, it is above all a question of preparing the future of the party. By the first round, 500 “Apéroussel” will be organized throughout France.

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