14 arrests before the match and Nazi salutes from German fans

At the end of the Champions League match which took place this Tuesday evening in Marseille between OM and Frankfurt, 14 people were arrested near the stadium. The police chief of Bouches-du-Rhône, Frédérique Camilleri, confirms this. In particular, there were three arrests for throwing projectilesthree for possession of smoke bombs, three for violence by the police, two for use of lasers, one for introducing a knife and finally two others for willful violence.

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UEFA seized over Nazi salutes

There are also three wounded among the police. A German supporter was injured by a smoke bomb in the stands. He was taken to the hospital and “His days are not in danger“, specifies the prefect of police. Frédérique Camilleri regrets however”those Nazi salutes that we saw this evening at the Vélodrome stadium from some German supporters“. She has moreover “contacted UEFA and asked that these supporters be identified very quickly so that they may be subject to the appropriate criminal proceedings“, whereas “the public prosecutor’s office was by our side at the stadium’s crisis headquarters“. The videos should make it possible to identify the perpetrators of these gestures and the prefecture is in relation to the German police officers who had made the trip.

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