“Olympic construction sites are five times less accident-prone than the average construction industry,” assures the Elysée, upstream of the Olympic and Paralympic Council.
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While Emmanuel Macron attends an Olympic and Paralympic Council (COP) on Wednesday July 19, the Elysée wants to be reassuring about the safety at work of construction site employees linked to the Olympic Games. “With 130 accidents, including 17 serious, Olympic construction sites are five times less accident-prone than the construction industry average”assures the Elysée, confirming an assessment of the World.
According to the daily, no fatal accident has been recorded by Solideo, the public establishment responsible for the construction of the Paris 2024 Olympic structures. pinned for their lack of security. On June 16, a worker, Amara Dioumassy, died on that of the Austerlitz basin, which aims to open the Seine to swimming.
A social charter on safety at work
The question of work accidents related to the construction sites of the 2024 Olympics must be addressed during the Olympic and Paralympic Council, Wednesday, at the Elysée, among other subjects such as the diplomatic stakes of the Games or the opening ceremonies.
A social charter was voted in November by the Council of Paris to set up the capital as an example in terms of safety at work. For the past two years, Solideo has been responsible for several large-scale projects, including the creation of the Olympic village in Saint-Denis, Saint-Ouen and on Ile-Saint-Denis, as well as a sanitation project for the water from the Seine. They must all be completed by the end of 2023.