After five days of travel and nearly 5,000 km between Trégunc in Finistère and the Polish town of Prezmyls a few kilometers from the border with Ukraine at war, the humanitarian convoy of the association Secoutourisme returned this Sunday morning with 23 refugees. deposited in Brittany, 12 arrived in Trégunc.
– Erwan Chassin
“We have a real lesson in humility to take from these people”
In the Quentel car park in Trégunc, the motorhome engines finally stop and their doors open. Several families of Ukrainian refugees descend from it. They are welcomed by members of the Secoutourimse association and by the CCAS of Trégunc. “We have a real lesson in humility to take from these people” explains Muriel, a volunteer who made the trip.
There are mothers and their children mainly since their husbands remained on the front. Their faces are marked by the fatigue of such a journey. An apartment on the ground floor is available to them. Inside, camp beds are laid out, there is food, warm clothes and a shower.
– Erwan Chassin
“Ukraine has never knelt before anyone but today we can do it before you.”
Natacha and Svetlana, two Ukrainian sisters who fled the fighting before the departure of the humanitarian convoy, insist on speaking in front of all the volunteers. “Ukraine has never knelt to anyone but today we can do it to you” said Natasha crying, the words of which are translated by her sister Svetlana. Tears come to their eyes. For them and all of their families, the ordeal of war is moving away.
Some families will go back to join acquaintances or family to Spain or Nice. The Secoutourisme association wishes return to the refugee camps in Poland on Wednesday.