12 noon shots: Upset and “very moved”, Laurent bursts into tears in front of Jean-Luc Reichmann

It comes from the heart

Comes the turn of Jean-Luc Reichmann, who also entrusts all the admiration and all the affection he feels for the master of noon. “It comes from the heart and I wanted to tell you that you are super well surrounded, really trust those you love because they really love you. You have succeeded in this with dad, with mom, with your daughter and the cement is strong, very very strong with your students whom you will find on Monday. And we are very very happy!“, reveals the host of 61 years.

Overwhelmed by the incredible experience he has just had in The 12 strokes of noon, Laurent confides that he will never forget this show and that he is also impatient to find his students. “I also look forward to this afterlife with this curiosity. Seeing my students again, being with my loved ones…“he adds.

Posted on Twitter by the host, the video was quickly commented on by TF1 viewers. “We will miss Laurent, he is very sensitive, these students will be happy to find him, good continuation kisses“, “Like many Maîtres de Midi, and especially Laurent, he will be greatly missed. Congratulations again to him. Nice continuation Laurent.”, “Thank you zette this man is a person with a beautiful soul .. just like you & jean Luc & the whole team“, can we read on Twitter.

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