12 noon shots: The baby of a candidate victim of “the most horrible thing”, serious revelations

Jean-Luc Reichmann always ensures that his candidates in The 12 strokes of noon have a good time on his set, in joy and good humor. But the host also sometimes likes to tackle more serious subjects. This was the case on Thursday April 21, 2022. Between two questions, Jean-Luc Reichmann wished to give the floor to Harmonywho had a terrifying experience a few years ago.

This mother of two children said she was completely overwhelmed when her daughter was born, so much so that she almost died. “She had a big, smaller worry, it’s called shaken baby syndrome“, she said with emotion and on the verge of tears at the evocation of this memory. And to continue with the desire to raise awareness about this scourge: “It’s the most horrible thing you can do to a child. It is absolutely necessary to talk about it around you, it is very little known. When you’re tired, exhausted, it can happen to anyone. An infant, you have to put him in his bed or in a secure place, and go blow“.

If Harmonie had applied these simple gestures that she recommends today, her daughter could have avoided serious health problems. “The little girl, whom you see and is doing extremely well, has been operated five hours. She had drains until she was 18 months because she did both cerebral and retinal hemorrhages… at 4 and a half months“, she revealed.

There were also consequences for the mother herself following this period. “That’s what started the cancer in me. Right now I’m half a lung missing. I’ve been fighting for 4 years and I’m still here and I will stay here“, learned the viewers. “That’s why I gave you the floor. We are wholeheartedly with you. And Victoire, she is beautiful as anything. Thank you for your testimony Harmonie, it feels good, we have to talk about it“, reacted Jean-Luc Reichmann, touched by his story and faced with the tears of the candidate.

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