12 Coups de midi: The daughter of a famous comedian has a “very important” role in the show

In the family of 12 strokes of noon, there are those who no longer need to be introduced, including Jean-Luc Reichmann, the essential host of the TF1 game, but also Zette, a voice-over with a strong character who has put candidates in their place more than once! The duo is far from alone on the deck of the liner 12 strokes of noon. Without the producers, all those who write the questions, find the gifts and allow Jean-Luc Reichmann to deliver anecdotes of all kinds, the show would not be the same. The presenter can also say thank you to Elisa, the daughter of a famous French comedian who, every day, helps him discreetly on the recordings.

Elisa is none other than the daughter of Bernard Ménez! The latter, seen in Under the Sun, Household Scenes or tomorrow belongs to uswas a guest on the show At Jordan’s of Entertainment TV. The 78-year-old actor said more about his daughter’s role “for several years” in the show. If we never see her, her presence is essential to the successful completion of the program.

A primary shadow role

It is what is called at the headset. She is in constant contact throughout the show in the headset for what to say or not to say or what to know or not to know. It’s a very important role. It’s like a collaborator that he always has in his headset“said Bernard Menez at the microphone of Jordan Deluxe. However, Elisa is not fair”the headset” by Jean-Luc Reichmann. Off the sets, she is also an actress. A passion of which her dad is apparently not at the origin.

I think she’s an excellent actress, who’s like me, that is to say, she doesn’t like asking people too much to get a role, he continued. It was on her own that she started acting at the Buffon high school where she was with a group of girlfriends. She seemed to like it a lot. She took lessons, it wasn’t me who pushed her. I happened to play with her.” If she gave the reply to her father, Elisa also offered her entries in the public of the 12 strokes of noon whose whole team considers him as one of the members of this beautiful TV family!

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