12 Coups de midi: A candidate accused of having shaken her baby explains

On April 22 in The 12 noon shotsJean-Luc Reichmann gave the floor to Harmony, a candidate with a very painful past. Indeed, the young woman explained that she believed she had lost her daughter Victoire a few years ago, who was shaken when she was a baby. “The little girl, whom you see and who is doing extremely well, has been operated five hours. She had drains until she was 18 months because she did both cerebral and retinal hemorrhages… at 4 and a half months“, she remembered with a lot of emotion. Harmonie then wanted to do prevention on the subject. “It’s the most horrible thing you can do to a child. It is absolutely necessary to talk about it around you, it is very little known. When you’re tired, exhausted, it can happen to anyone.”

After these serious revelations, many understood that Harmony was responsible for the facts. But in reality, it is nothing. The candidate, approached by the association Stop Shaken Baby, wanted to make things clear. “I have never shaken my child. My words were misinterpreted during my testimony on the set of 12 noon shots“, she regretted.

Harmonie then set out to tell what had happened, one month in November 2016. A few hours after dropping off her children “at their father’s house“, she received the most terrifying of calls. Her daughter Victoire was “lying on a table, inanimate, surrounded by firefighters“Harmony naturally immediately wanted to know more about the circumstances of her daughter’s illness. But at the time, “the investigation was dismissed for lack of evidence“. The only witness was his “son, who was only 20 months old“.”I wanted Victoire to finally be recognized as a victim. I put up posters in the neighborhood, in 2019 I arrested the Public Prosecutor for a reopening of the investigation“, she explained.

Harmonie, on the other hand, could not reveal the identity of the person responsible for the facts. “My words have been distorted, because in no case do I claim to be the author of this infamous gesture, but I have no right to accuse anyone at the risk of being accused of defamation, she said.

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