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Since the beginning of the war, on the other side of the border, the towns have welcomed refugees. Some are already almost submerged, Saturday, February 26.
A large-scale humanitarian operation is organized. Food, clothes, hygiene products… The growing number of Ukrainian refugees need everything. “We mostly took the food we were given, things we never thought we’d ever run out of.“, said a woman. Dozens of minibuses pick up refugees who have family or acquaintances elsewhere in Poland. For the others, public buildings are transformed into accommodation centres.
A little further on, in a school gymnasium, 80 camp beds have been set up. “It’s the only bag I could take, it’s the documents, the passports“, says a refugee who came with her six-year-old son. It is also the wait for those who have not yet been able to leave Kiev like a French national who has been stuck on the road for 24 hours 8 km from the border. The Polish government ensures that it welcomes as many refugees as necessary, without any administrative formalities.