“1:15 p.m. on Sunday”. The Sophie Toscan du Plantier affair > Episodes 1 & 2 – France 2 – January 23, 2022

This unpublished series in four episodes of the magazine 1:15 p.m. on Sunday(Twitter, #1:15 p.m.), signed Morgane du Liège, Fanny Martino, Simon Fichet and Frédéric Poussin, plunges into the heart of a great enigma: who killed Sophie Toscan du Plantier, on December 23, 1996, wife of film producer Daniel Toscan du Plantier. She was found dead with her head smashed in with concrete blocks and stones below her holiday home in southern Ireland. Who could blame this beautiful 39-year-old young woman on Christmas Eve?

The investigation very quickly became interested in Ian Bailey and designated him as the main suspect. A journalist in his spare time, he lived near the victim’s house. They knew each other, had crossed paths. In any case, they were not strangers to each other. Everything seems to accuse Ian Bailey, but nothing will happen as planned in this extraordinary affair between Ireland and France. And Sophie’s family fights tirelessly to bring the truth to light…

The main witness retracts nine years later

The noose is tightening around the English journalist: the scratches on his arms and face have aroused the suspicions of investigators. And the main witness recognized him the night of the murder on the road near the house of Sophie Toscan du Plantier. So the police have enough evidence to place him in custody…

The incredible volte-face of the main witness in this affair raises many questions: why does Marie Farrell retract nine years later? Was she paid by Ian Bailey’s lawyers? Or did she give in to threats? In any case, this coup de theater reshuffles the cards of an investigation that has gotten bogged down…

> Replays of France Télévisions news magazines are available on the Franceinfo website and its mobile application (iOS & Android), “Magazines” section.


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