“1:15 p.m. on Sunday”. Flight – France 2 – November 14, 2021

On May 12, 1991, four people were aboard a Piper, a small passenger plane. The weather was bad, the plane crashed in a pine forest on the side of Mont d’Alambre, in the Massif Central.

The only survivor of this accident, whose magazine 1:15 p.m. Sunday“(Twitter, #1:15 p.m.) draws a portrait signed Pierre Millet-Bellando, Clément Voyer and Sarah Jung, is Dorine Bourneton, 16 years old at the time. She spends twelve hours alone in the forest before being rescued. A few weeks after the accident, she learns that she is paraplegic and will spend her life in a wheelchair.

After the pain, the anger

So, she decides to rebuild herself by becoming an airplane pilot and high-flying champion, where the risks are increased tenfold.

Dorine is the world’s first woman with a disability as a high-flying pilot. And for the past year, she has been participating in the development of an exoskeleton with which she walks and regains the standing position.

> Replays of France Télévisions news magazines are available on the Franceinfo website and its mobile application (iOS & Android), “Magazines” section.


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