“1:15 p.m. on Sunday”. Churchill > Episodes 1 and 2



Reading time : 1 min.

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“1:15 p.m. on Sunday” looks back on the life of an emblematic figure in British history: Winston Churchill. Prime Minister and warlord, a look back at the itinerary of a politician who played a key role during the Second World War.

In this new series, 1:15 p.m. on Sunday” (Twitter, #1:15 p.m.) looks back on an emblematic figure in British history and politics: Winston Churchill.

83 years ago almost to the day, Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister of the United Kingdom as Germany invades Belgium, Luxembourg and France. On May 13, 1940, facing the British members of the House of Commons, he made a speech that has remained famous: “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat.”

“Blood, Sweat and Tears”

With the German aggression, and the inexorable advance of his army, Churchill quickly turned into a warlord. How did he fight these battles? How did he forge and maintain this spirit of resistance of his people under the bombs?

On June 17, 1940, Marshal Pétain announces to the French, on the radio, that they must stop fighting. A few days later, the armistice was signed with the Germans, but not all the French accepted it. Among them, Charles de Gaulle decides to take the direction of England, where he very quickly intends to meet Winston Churchill.

> A series by Peggy Leroy, Vincent Fichmann and Mathilde Rougeron.

> Replays of France Télévisions news magazines are available on the Franceinfo website and its mobile application (iOS & Android), “Magazines” section.

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