“1:15 p.m. on Saturday”. Sabrina Krief, on the trail of chimpanzees / In the eyes of Jérémie

“1:15 p.m. on Saturday” takes you on a journey: before setting off for the Far North in the footsteps of a wildlife photographer, head for Africa alongside a French primatologist who studies the great apes of the Ugandan rainforest.

Sabrina Krief, on the trail of chimpanzees

French primatologist Sabrina Krief has been fighting for more than twenty years to preserve a community of chimpanzees in the rainforest of Uganda.

By dint of surveying their habitat, observing the great apes, watching for them and following them day and night, the trained veterinarian, professor at the National Museum of Natural History, has made herself accepted by this community.

Sabrina Krief continues to alert the public to the disappearance of great apes and their habitat. What are the dangers that threaten them? Deforestation, human pressure on their place of life, poaching and now pollution…

For this document, signed Violaine Vermot-Gaud, Patrice Brugère and Anne Cohen, the magazine “1:15 p.m. on Saturday” (Twitter, #1:15 p.m.) went to meet, at the beginning of the year 2020, the one who launched, with her husband the photographer Jean-Michel Krief, the Project for the conservation of great apes (PCGS).

In Jeremy’s eyes

Jérémie Villet, Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2019 “rising star” award, is a star of wildlife photography. He is not afraid of the cold and likes to blend into snowy landscapes, as beautiful as they are hostile, to capture wildlife.

For this portrait, signed Marc de Langenhagen, Benjamine Jeunehomme and Guillaume Salasca, the magazine went to find this son of farmers, born on a farm in the middle of the fields in the Yvelines, discovered hard at work in the winter of 2020 in the Alps with the White Rabbit in his lens.

To obtain his photos, almost unreal, never retouched, the snow photographer blends into the white, where he captures a movement, a gesture, a look of wildlife. “13h15” followed him for several months, over the seasons.

An immersion in his new animal adventures, in his daily life between two winters, to try to understand how he formed himself alone in the secrets of nature, going back to the sources of his art…

> Replays of France Télévisions news magazines are available on the Franceinfo website and its mobile application (iOS & Android), “Magazines” section.

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