“1:15 p.m. on Saturday”. At Nadia’s table



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Chef Nadia Sammut has long suffered from gluten intolerance, or celiac disease, without knowing where her ailments came from. And then, she took over her parents’ restaurant where she has since concocted her little starred dishes for “gluten-free” and all other gourmets…

Intolerance to this protein is more and more widespread… Who does not have someone around them who, at the start of a meal, announces that they will not eat that bread, will leave the pasta of side or even appetizing cakes?

Large retailers are of course responding to this new demand from certain consumers but also from gastronomy professionals. Like chef Nadia Sammut, who is one of these high-end pioneers with her gluten-free and lactose-free table, which earned her a star in the Michelin Guide, a first in the world.

A kitchen for all

Nadia herself suffered from this gluten intolerance for a long time, without knowing that this protein was the cause of her ailments. And in 2018, she took over her parents’ restaurant, surrounded by greenery, where she grows her own vegetables.

At his table, neither a la carte nor a set menu but day-to-day, instinctive cuisine for everyone, not just for “gluten-free”. Enjoy your meal with this portrait from the magazine 1:15 p.m. on Saturday” (Twitter, #1:15 p.m.) signed Thibault Pomares, Vincent Massot and Vincent Martin.

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