113 people arrested as part of the action plan against crack

Among the more than 3,000 individuals checked, 113 were arrested as part of the government’s action plan against crack in Île-de-France. According to the Paris police headquarters, these arrests are linked to the legislation on narcotics, intentional violence, street selling and concealment of theft. They took place over a period of 12 days, between August 4 and 15.

Since taking office, the new prefect of police Laurent Nuňez has reinforced the police presence in the northeast of Parisin neighborhoods that have suffered for the past year from nuisances linked to traffic and crack consumption.

An already significant improvement according to the prefecture

Every day, 200 police officers carry out checks in the Auguste Baron, Porte de la Villette, Corentin Cariou and Stalingrad sectors as well as in the Quatre chemins district in Pantin and Aubervilliers. The police also have the mission of “systematically dispersing any group of drug addicts (…) who are generating disturbances to public order”, specifies the prefecture.

According to the Paris police headquarters, “the face during the day has improved significantly” in these neighborhoods but efforts must continue, especially in the evening and at night. The objective is to relieve residents and traders.

At the same time, 132 people were checked as part of the fight against irregular immigration. 14 of them were ordered to leave the country.

source site-38