110 years after their creation, this game still has fans


Video length: 4 min

Crosswords: 110 years after their creation, this game still has fans

In 1913, crosswords were invented in England. Quickly imported to France, they have since gained many followers, and continue to stimulate many players today. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – A. Chopin, P. Aubert, C. Brunet, N. Dahan, P. Vaireaux, G. Liaboeuf

France Televisions

In 1913, crosswords were invented in England. Quickly imported to France, they have since gained many followers, and continue to stimulate many players today.

Crosswords are sometimes defined as a brain sport, like chess. “I’m not patient, so frankly, I prefer sudoku”, says a woman, not really a fan. This year they celebrate their 110th anniversary. In 1913, the very first crosswords were created in England, in the form of a diamond with a hole in the middle. The game was quickly exported to France, became a square, then black squares appeared. Very serious championships are emerging, and even television is taking up the phenomenon.

“Patience, rigor and a little cleverness”

At 80 years old, Hervé Hardouin still fills between three and four grids per day. To succeed, he identifies three essential qualities: “Patience, rigor and a little cleverness. If in a grid, we have solved everything, we are happy. If in a grid, we can also learn things, that’s even better”, he believes. Among the creators of these crosswords, we sometimes find large signatures. The writer Georges Perec and the journalist Robert Scipion notably took part in the exercise.

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