106 cases of COVID-19 in a school in Val-Bélair

The outbreak at the Odyssée school, located in the Val-Bélair sector in Quebec City, is gaining momentum: 106 positive cases have now been declared there. However, students can come back to class this morning.

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The virus has circulated among 360 students in 15 groups of fifth and sixth grade elementary school, who had been in isolation since October 30.

Those who have obtained a negative result or who have completed their period of contagion following a positive result can however return to school as planned this morning, indicates Mathieu Boivin, spokesperson for the CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale.

Students who are still contagious or who have not obtained a negative screening result must stay at home “until their situation allows them to return to class,” said Mr. Boivin.

The Odyssée school welcomes students from the fifth year of primary to second secondary.

This is the largest COVID-19 outbreak to occur in a Quebec school since the start of the school year.


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