100th anniversary of Yves Montand, Yves Montand

Another disc landing on our shores months late, as if it had been unearthed from a heap of dead leaves picked up too quickly. We almost missed this discreet case, with cover photo looking from below, Malcom McDowell style in Clockwork Orange. Not an event, must believe, this celebration in 12 discs of the centenary of the birth of Ivo Livi (October 13, 1921). A bit like Bécaud, we have forgotten the singer Yves Montand, another who should have been seen on stage. But if his films, gates of night at Z, have a hard life, the opportunity provided here to revive the songs must be seized: let’s rediscover the first obsessed person of post-war America, the interpreter of Lemarque, Prévert, Piaf-Monnot, Nougaro, Ferré, Barouh, so many others. Admittedly, the mania for dropping the note with the rhyme becomes irritating in the long run: Montand is no less the last narrator-dancer-fantasist of an era. It is commemorated.

100th anniversary of Yves Montand



Yves Montand, Pantheon/Mercury/Universal

To see in video

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