1,000 hectares burned in the unresolved fire at the Canjuers camp, in the Var


France 2

Article written by

T.Grosse, R.Chapelard, T.Gauthier – France 2

France Televisions

In the Var, the fire on the military ground of the Canjuers camp is not yet under control. Tuesday, June 21, 1,000 hectares of vegetation have already burned and firefighters are still hard at work.

On the Canjuers camp (Var), 1,000 hectares burned during a fire on military land. Tuesday, June 21, firefighters hope to fix the fire. “We managed to set up very long establishments to close off certain areas that were problematic for us”, says Colonel Frédéric Gosse, deputy departmental director of SDIS83. The fire started on Saturday June 18 and was able, thanks to Canadairs, to be kept away from homes. However, pasture land burned and a shepherd had to urgently evacuate his 500 animals.

The fire was started by artillery fire, in a camp in which the army carries out training. An investigation has been opened by the military prosecutor’s office. In Aiguines (Var), a village near the camp, the origin of the fire is in question. “When on June 20, there is an impossible drought, the least common sense would have been to stop the shooting”, assures a man. The explosion of a shell on the ground slightly injured 29 firefighters.

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